Stay tuned for upcoming workshop dates
Learn “what they don’t teach you in a professional course”
Workshops for engineering professionals in medical technology

You will learn from a knowledgeable and experienced team of professionals
You will work with the team to learn the process of managing a product life cycle beginning from an idea to a tangible product or solution

Experiential Learning (Major Topics)

Understanding Customer / Marketing Requirements
Quick Prototyping techniques - using breadboards, evaluation boards, simulation software
Labview overview for rapid concept prototyping development
Designing the Schematic and PCB layout using EDA tools
Firmware - typical firmware design flow
Testing - Strategy, test plan, test procedures and test reports
Stages of Testing - Prototype, pilot, qualification, manufacturing and service
Reliability - What is MTBF, MTBSE. Burn in, temperature cycling, environmental effect
Type Testing - What are IEC standards
Integration - how to integrate hardware, firmware and mechanical module or system level testing